His Love Our Response

In Luke 1:38 mary says “…Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word… ” in response to God ‘s call on her life. Of course today is valentines and for many it ‘s a time of love. I want to challenge us today not to forget the love that God has shown us. In all his glory and power he choose to show us love through Jesus Christ.

So back to the verse, should we not respond the same way to the God who has shown us so much love. But do we truly view ourselves as servants to God? Do we serve and perform duties according to the Word of God as a servant of God would? God loved us so much that he sent His son to die for us, the least we could do is love and serve Him everyday.

Joy of the Lord

Psalm 51:12 “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. ” It is hard to maintain joy during at all times everyday. There are days when things may not go as planned or we encounter negative circumstances. I am learning that in all things let the joy of my salvation overcome all sin and strife. That Joy being Jesus Christ, Son of God.

I struggled with how that works, and it was so fitting yesterday on what our pastor preached on. I realized that this joy comes and is rooted in Christ and our salvation. Which means we must abide in Him at all times. The daily joy is available for those that will let go of worldly things and their pride and let God be the center and focus of their every moment.